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化学化工学院教授 王芳
2018-12-07 12:44  

王芳照片2015蓝色                                                           名:王芳








1.     Fang Wang, Jianfeng Zhu, Hui Liu. Hydrothermal synthesis of ammonioalunite with hexagonal rose-like morphology[J]. Materials Letters, 2018, 216: 269–272.

2.     Fang Wang, Jianfeng Zhu, Hui Liu.Urea controlled hydrothermal synthesis of ammonium aluminum carbonat hydroxide rods[J]. AIP Advances, 2018, 8 (3): 035103.

3.     Fang Wang. The Construction of Teaching Quality Monitoring System Based On TQM of Chinese Application Technology University[J]. Economic, Business Management and Education Innovation, 2014, 9 (39): 169-173.

4.     Fang Wang. Exploration on the Five-year Pre-school Education College Curriculum System Reform[J]. Social Science and Society, 2013, 9(38): 120-124.

5     Fang Wang. Deng Wu Wang. Kinetic Model of Atractylodes Processing[J]. Advanced Materials Research, 2011, 5 (236-238): 2765-2768.

6.     Fang Wang, Li, Zhong, Qiao, Bo. Rapid analysis of iron concentrates by x-ray fluorescence spectrometry with sol-gel sample preparation technology[J]. Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology, 2011 3 (19):417-421.

7.     Fang Wang, Gai Zhang. Simultaneous Quantitative Analysis of Arsenic, Bismuth, Selenium, and Tellurium in Soil Samples Using Multi-channel Hydride-Generation Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry[J]. Applied Spectroscopy, 2011 3 (65): 315-319.




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