姓 名:薛颖颖
职 称:讲师
2021年12月博士毕业于陕西师范大学,2022年7月于陕师院化学化工学院任教,同时担任科研秘书一职。主要研究方向为功能导向晶态多孔材料的设计合成及应用。主要基于[M3(O/OH)(COO)6]三核氧簇,设计合成系列高稳定性金属有机框架材料(MOFs),研究其在气体存储与分离、光电催化和超级电容器等方面的应用。曾在Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Inorganic Chemistry, Dalton Transactions, Journal of Solid State Chemistry等SCI源刊发表论文多篇。
[1] Ying-Ying Xue, Xiao-Ying Bai, Jing Zhang, Ying Wang, Shu-Ni Li, Yu-Cheng Jiang, Man-Cheng Hu, and Quan-Guo Zhai*. Precise pore space partition combined with high-density hydrogen-bonding acceptor within a metal-organic framework for highly efficient acetylene storage and separation, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2021, 60, 10122-10128.
[2] Ying-Ying Xue, Jian-Wei Zhang, Yong-Peng Li, Hai-Peng Li, Ying Wang*, Shu-Ni Li, Yu-Cheng Jiang, Man-Cheng Hu, and Quan-Guo Zhai*. The mimic of ferroalloy to develop a bifunctional Fe-organic framework platform for enhanced gas sorption and efficient oxygen evolution electrocatalysis, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 4432-4442.
[3] Ying-Ying Xue, Shu-Ni Li, Yu-Cheng Jiang, Man-Cheng Hu, and Quan-Guo Zhai*. Quest for 9-connected robust metal-organic framework platforms on the base of [M3(O/OH)(COO)6(pyridine)3] cluster as excellent gas separation and asymmetric supercapacitor materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7, 4640-4650.
[4] Ying-Ying Xue, Li-Xia Zhang, Shu-Ni Li, Yu-Cheng Jiang, Man-Cheng Hu, and Quan-Guo Zhai*. Ionothermal synthesis of novel Pb-OH-Cu-X (X = Cl, Br and I) quaternary heterometallic frameworks with tunable optical properties, Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 5183-5188.
[5] Ying-Ying Xue, Jin-Lian Wang, Shu-Ni Li, Yu-Cheng Jiang, Man-Cheng Hu*, Quan-Guo Zhai*. Mesoporous Ag/In2O3 composite derived from indium organic framework as high performance formaldehyde sensor, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2017, 251, 170-175.